Friday, January 4, 2013

2+ Months Removed....

Hey internet, it's been awhile.

Over the past 2 months I've been steadily bombarded with emails asking me to update, provide advise, etc. I apologize I haven't been able to respond to all of you or even provide a final update on my progress. Between work and my recent lifestyle changes, it keeps me pretty busy. But I agree, it was shitty of me to update for ALMOST the entire time and then drop off completely.

Anyhow, I stopped short of the 60 days I set out to complete. I ended up stopping on day 46 of my fast because I hit 170lbs and that's where I wanted to be. Granted, it wasn't a studly muscular 170lbs, but it was a damn good start! I decided to re-introduce solids because I wanted to up my protein so I could do incorporate strength training in rather than just cardio.

As you may recall from my earlier posts, I was strictly doing cardio during the fast. While this was good for dropping the weight, it kinda left me as a weak skinny-fat noodle. I started doing full body strength training 3x/week and have put on some muscle. I'm at the point now where I don't feel like a complete tool at the gym because I'm actually able to lift some weight. Feels good brah. I've adapted my weekly routine to include 3 days strength, 3-4 days cardio.

My current diet is mainly high protein, low carb. I tend to eat pretty clean during the week. The booze and occasional shitty meal still present themselves on the weekends. I tend to drink a lot more vodka/water or vodka/lime now though. All the booze, no carbs. I've been following the leangains intermittent fasting program the past couple months and am enjoying it. I'm pretty used to not eating since this whole juicing thing began, so the transition was pretty seamless. I don't have time for breakfast in the morning anyhow...

So really, my goal right now is to get to a lower body fat percentage while increasing strength. Since I stopped juicing, I've gained 5lbs and stabilized at around 175lbs. I want to get to the point where the number doesn't matter, just feel/look good.

So anyhow, the final results:

Start Weight - 214.2lbs (9/4/12)
End Weight - 170lbs (10/20/12)
Total Loss - 44.2lbs
Start Waist - 38"
End Waist - 33-34"

Several of you have asked for a before/after picture, so what the hell:

My first beer after 46 days :)

What's Next?

Anyhow, this kinda turned me on to working out and getting healthy. I set some lofty goals for 2013 and I intend to follow through with them. I want to do crossfit, but I don't think I'm strong enough to even begin that shit. So, since I tend to do well with extreme shit....such as drinking juice for 40 something days...I'm doing P90x, cutting the booze, and closely monitoring my diet throughout the course of it. I just bought all the necessary items and intend to start mid January (need a few more party nights).

After that, I may look back into crossfit. I think I'll be posting my P90x progress on this here blog since people are still frequenting it.

Anyhow, I gotta go - got a 10k in the morning, prepping for the Gate River Run in March!

Goodbye Internet