Monday, March 11, 2013

Day 56

I'm almost 60 days into P90x and am pretty happy with the results thus far. I've missed a total of 3 work outs since beginning. I've started actually resting on the designated rest days instead of doing something. Definitely need those rest days.

One of my goals of 2013 was to run the Gate River Run. I'm happy to say I did that this past Saturday...and it was a great success. I had originally wanted to get under 90 minutes when I started training several months ago. In time, that became attainable and I reset my target to a sub 85. I was able to finish the 15k in 80:32!

It felt pretty damn good. Almost unbelievable. It's still hard for me to believe that I'm running 9 miles from where I was 1 year ago. I'm definitely doing it again next year, it was a lot of fun. Considering a half-marathon just so I've got something to work towards....we'll see.

I just finished Week 7 of P90x. Weeks 5-7 on the lean program repeat the same workouts. There are 3 strength workouts (core synergistics, chest/shoulders/tris, legs/back) and 2 cardio. I've been substituting the P90x cardio workouts for running.

Core Synergistics is my favorite workout, can do the whole thing now. Yoga X still sucks the hardest, spent after 45 minutes. I've been pretty faithful on the diet minus a few cheat meals. Weight is steady between 163-166 but shedding fat. There's more noticeable upper chest/shoulder definition. It's pretty exciting, first summer I won't be hiding.

Seeing positive changes motivates me to continue and really adopt a more active/healthy lifestyle. After the 90 day period, I'm considering doing either P90x classic OR going back to a standard gym routine. I don't know what I'm gonna do yet, but need to start thinking about that!

Do it, you can.