Trial Run
Last night I figured I had better do a trial run using the new juicer and see what this stuff tasted like, so I gave it a whirl.
I took 2 cored apples, a few stalks of celery, 2 mini cucumbers, a good size ginger root, a WHOLE lemon (TOO MUCH), and about 2 cups of Kale greens. It was a ton of produce, an amount I probably hadn't eaten in the past few weeks alone - never mind one sitting. See the picture below for a visual on the amount that goes into making a serving of juice.
The first item I tried to juice was some of the kale greens. I bunched them up tightly into a ball and fed them into the juicer. I then took the plunger to help feed the greens in and managed to put it in backwards. I ended up having to get a hammer and screwdriver to dislodge the feeder from the juicer....not a very strong first attempt.
After that it went pretty smoothly....I got almost 20oz out of the ingredients pictured above. It comes out rather frothy, and needs a quick stir to dissipate the froth on top. I did put far too much lemon in it...supposed to do 1/2 lemon per serving. However, the lemon and apples do provide some relief to the strong taste of the kale. It's not the best tasting thing in the world - but I've had worse....I can definitely stomach this.
After ironing out the kinks last night, I woke up this morning at 6AM and prepared breakfast and a snack for work. I noticed this time there is an arrow clearly telling the operator which way to insert the plunger (doh!). I made 2 servings (close to 40oz). I drank 20oz and packed the remaining in a Nalgene to consume mid-morning. I felt pretty good after drinking it. I'm not sure if it's in my head or not - but did feel more alert and refreshed within a few minutes after consuming it.
I drank the 2nd 20oz mid morning....I'd say about 10:30AM. There's a pretty good mixture of people at work who are intrigued by it, encouraging towards me, or just think I'm batshit crazy. So that makes it kinda fun...I did find myself hungry leading up to lunch. I think upping my water intake should start helping with the mild hunger until I get used to it. I broke for lunch at noon and juiced up lunch and a snack for later. I took down lunch and then the snack juice at around 3PM.
I hit the gym this evening and ran my usual 3.5 miles. I didn't feel any weaker than normal or struggle to complete the run. I felt pretty good, although I was hungry. I hit my last juice of the day as I was writing this around 8PM.
Overall, pretty successful day. I think I can adapt and get used to this after a few days...Resisting the temptation to drink a few beers and eat chicken wings on the weekends WILL be difficult - especially with football season in full swing. But i'll do it...
Until next time.
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